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1 year ago
Hi, new player here, like, literally just started played a few hours before writing this. So I managed to find a Malware Creator and made a cloud virus, but when I try installing it, it just tells me access denied. I tried both install and installid and neither worked, even uploading before the install, as well as using the local command with install and installid. Nothing seems to be working, am I just not a high enough level or am I missing something?
Edit: I was trying to install on an NPC if that helps
Solved: Completely forgot this post existed lol, I was trying to install malware that didn't need an install, which was why install and installid wouldn't work. :P
7 comments share
Malware_King    1 year ago
Here are some tips for you question and the game in general,

To Upload file without ID you type: upload <filename>
To Upload file with ID you type: uploadid <file ID>

To install file without ID you type: install <filename>
To install file with ID you type: install <file ID>
~NOTE~ That a virus is a type of file so it has a file name and/or ID too, so you can use the same command as if you were uploading a file to a target/slave.

Also to remove a file or virus (remember a virus is a type of file) you -UPLOADED- to someone and you have the file ID you type: rmid <file ID>
To remove a file without a file ID you type: rm <filename>

If someone hack you and deletes your firewall or waterwall or even your pulse sensor type: recovery
When you type recovery it should restore your core files. (Core files are your waterwall, firewall, and your pulse sensor.)

If someone hacks you and uploads viruses or just random files to you, you have no other choice but to wipe your harddrive clean where it just has your core files.

To do this you type: format harddrive

Hope some of this helped!
Malware_King    1 year ago
HACKERPROFILE    1 year ago
how can I activate it now ?
to use it ,,,
DSGN_GS117    1 year ago
Alright, I'll try that then, this time I'll try on something other than NPC network.
winfinity    1 year ago
uploadid <id of installable virus to upload>
installid <id of uploaded installable virus>
DSGN_GS117    1 year ago
Then am I missing something, or can I not install on NPC servers, because thats what I was trying to do.
winfinity    1 year ago
you are high, enough.
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