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I woke up the next morning and checked the game. Someone deleted my malware creator and antivirus and There are 2 miner virus files. I tried to delete them with rm and rmid but it keeps saying access denied. My level is 18
4 comments share
DSGN_GS117    1 year ago
Make sure you don't have any trojans on your system either, the telltale sign of a trojan is not being able to use rm to delete a file that normally can be deleted with rm.
Adi_22    1 year ago
never mind I researched and found out, thank you
Adi_22    1 year ago
how do you format my drive?
xpodo    1 year ago
you have two options

1. get antivirus with higher lvl than miners
2. format your drive

either way reset your ip right after you do it
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