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in the finances tab where you can transfer your BTC to the bank and vice versa , as of right now BTC to USD is showing around $50,000 USD to 1 BTC , but when I converted 8 BTC it acted as if BTC to USD was only around $5,000 USD. Is there a specific reason for doing this or is it a bug? Thank you for any help :)
4 comments share
Myriadic_    3 years ago
No, it's not based on the actual price of BTC
fr0sty404    3 years ago
what I meant was does it get it's data from real BTC? because that's at $50,000 xD
Hi_Guys    3 years ago
it used to but not anymore
Hi_Guys    3 years ago
btc is at $5,448.00 per 1 Bitcoin not anywhere near 50,000 your eyes lied to you
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